Meeting Highlights 2024
March 26th 2024 PPN General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting was held on the 26th at the Caboto Centre. The minutes will be given for approval at the next AGM in March 2025. Lunch was held after the meeting. After lunch we enjoyed our guest speaker, Ms. Vicki Reissanbolt representing Victoria Life Line. Vicki is an education facilitator. She stressed that we need to empower ourselves to “Wellness and Aging Well” Live a healthy life; ensure that one does all to prevent falls and to use tools when needed. One of the tools is a lifeline. Victoria Lifeline has been with the Victoria Hospital Foundation for 35 years and is a local non-profit agency. She distributed information on wellness and aging well. Door prizes were drawn and thanks to those who contributed especially to the Woodwards.
April 30th 2024 PPN General Meeting
The April PPN general meeting was held on April 30th at the Caboto Centre. After an excellent lunch of pizza and salad our guest speaker demonstrated many helpful exercises to keep us moving. Ms. Bonnie Hopps has been a friend and supporter of the Post Polio Network for many years. Ms. Bonnie Hopps had many years of experience working with people with disabilities as an Education Facilitator with the Arthritis Society; teaching aquacize classes in the “Specialty Arthritis” in the Winnipeg recreational program; and teaching Ai-Chi an exercise program designed for underwater movement. Everyone enjoyed her humour and exercises. Door prizes were drawn and thanks to those who contributed especially to the Woodwards.